Thursday, July 20, 2017

Same thing

I weigh the same as last week.  I didn't eat well over the weekend and went up to 143 and then dropped back down this week eating no sugar.  I'm going on day 4 of no sugar.  I will hopefully keep it up until next Friday when I need to weigh in for my health challenge and then I have my in-laws 50th wedding anniversary luncheon, ward party that night and a baptism for my nephew on Saturday.  Then we leave on vacation on Sunday.  Here's to a lower weigh in next week!

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Starting Again

I really need to get back on track and without a lot of accountability and hip surgery, things have gone downhill (or uphill ha ha) for a bit.  I need to eat better and exercise consistently in order to be more healthy and get to a weight that I like and feel good about.  Here is my weigh-in with measurements starting today.  I'm leaving on vacation for 8 days to Cancun in a few weeks so I don't have much time but after that I'm good to go!

Weight:  141.6

Neck: 12.25
Right bicep: 12
Chest: 36
Under chest: 32
Natural waist: 29.25
Waist belly button: 31.5
Hips: 36
Right thigh: 22.5
Right calf: 15

I would love to get under 140 before my trip so here goes!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Health Challenge Complete

Well, the health challenge and has come and gone.  This time I was not as diligent at eating right all the time so I struggled some at the end.  Last time I lost weight so easily that I was able to take a little break and indulge and then work a little hard at the end.  This time I indulged some each week and as a result, I had just under 4 pounds to lose the last week, eeek.  So, I buckled down, followed their 1500 calorie a day meal plan and pulled it off, well kind of.  Today was the first day you could weigh in and as of yesterday I still had 0.8 pounds to go.  This morning I had a pound to go so I went running first and then weighed in and was even 0.2 pounds under where I needed to be.  So, did I cheat a little?  Maybe, but I was ready to be done.  It causes me stress and I don't love stress, so I like to weigh in as soon as I can.

I worked out so hard this week that I feel exhausted right now.  Also, I have a cold and a slight fever although I don't feel sick, I just feel exhausted in my muscles.  I did several high intensity interval training workouts this week and my muscles are so sore and tired.  Anyway, moving in to maintenance mode and hope to stay there for a while.  I'm tired of always trying to lose weight.  Hopefully I can just eat well most of the time and stay under 135 and indulge some as well.

Here are my measurements that I took when I started and then again this morning:

January 10, 2015   Weight:  140.6

Neck: 12.5
Chest:  35.5
Under Chest:  30.75
R Bicep:  11.75
Natural Waist:  29.25
Waist:  32.25
Hips:  35.25
R Thigh:  22.3
R Calf:  14.75

February 20, 2015   Weight:131.8  (down 8.8 pounds)

Neck:  12  (down 0.5)
Chest:  35  (down 0.5)
Under Chest:  30  (down 0.75)
R Bicep:  11.5  (down 0.25)
Natural Waist:  28  (down 1.25)
Waist:  30.5  (down 1.75)
Hips:  34  (down 1.25)
R Thigh:  21.6  (down 0.7)
R Calf:  14.5  (down 0.25)

A total of 7.2 inches lost :)

I went down in every measurement so that's great.  Here's to a healthy, weight maintaining year!!!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Health Challenge #2

Hey, I'm back sort of.  I've kind of lost my desire to keep up on this blog seeing as no one really reads it anymore.  Oh well, here goes.  I started my second health challenge almost 2 weeks ago and I weighed in at 140.6 and have to get down to 132 to win.  As of today I am at 137.2, down 3.4 pounds and right on track.  By tomorrow, I needed to be at 137.6 and I'm a little below that.  This time around I haven't been as motivated to eat super healthy all the time and I have had a few desserts and pizza once.  Oh well, I'll just have to work a little harder at the end in order to make it.  I took my measurements and I'll post those soon.  By next week I need to be down to 136 so I'm on my way! 

By the way, my husband and sister joined me in the challenge.  My sister joined to lose weight and my husband joined to maintain his weight.  Also my good friend Sarah is part of the challenge.  It's fun to do these types of activities with friends and family!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Christmas has come and gone.......

Well, I didn't quite make my goal of staying under 138 for the holidays.  After Christmas I stepped on the scale and saw 139.2.  I keep trying to eat better and now that the treats are dwindling down that helps, but I am very munchy.  I have gotten used to eating whatever/whenever and now I need to change that mind set and only eat when I am truly hungry.  I seriously ate SOO MUCH this holiday season, more than I normally have in the past.  It was getting out of hand.  Like a half bag of holiday candy a day, wow!

Even though I only gained 5 pounds over the holidays, I feel so poofy and uncomfortable.  My waist has grown and my pants are all fitting a little snug.  My face is more double chinned than ever and my energy has waned.  Plus, my back has been hurting more and when I eat a lot of sugar, I get yeast infections much more easily.  When I did my health challenge, my yeast infections became a thing of the past, that was really nice.

So, I know I won't be perfect until after New Year's but I will start a new health challenge and I need to decide if I just want to maintain or lose 6%.  If I lose 6%, I will likely have to get down to 130 or even a little below if I lose any weight before it starts.  As of today, I would have to get down to 130.8 to lose 6%.....:) That would be cool.  Anyway, I'll decide when the time comes but until then, I'm am going to try harder to make better food choices. 

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Happy Holidays!

On Friday I weighed in at 135.4, up 1.4 pounds from a few weeks ago.  Enjoying that holiday food!  I have been eating a lot of junk but it's kind of fun to just enjoy eating junk for a few weeks.  However, it has caused some stomach aches so I started to dial it back a little and start eating better and that of course helps.  Less than 2 weeks until Christmas :)

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

I'm back...kind of.

So it's been a month since I wrote my last post on Halloween.  I did the health challenge and lost all the baby weight and more and it was great!  Over the past few months I gained back a few pounds with Halloween, my birthday, and Thanksgiving.  I usually stick around 134 and 135 (I was 134 this morning).  So, for this holiday season I'd really like to stay under 140, ideally under 138.  That allows me to gain a few pounds which I know will happen, but also encourage me to not have to lose so much come January.  I am planning to do the health challenge again in January and while it would be nice to lose another 6%, I will likely choose the maintain option and lose a few pounds.  If I start the challenge at 138 and had to lose 6%, I would have to get under 130, whoa.  That sounds cool but also a little scary.  Plus, my clothes will start to be baggy etc.  Anyway, I'm just rambling now. 

Here come the holidays!  Wish me luck, so far I haven't had much self control :)  Merry Christmas!