Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Well, I've hit 20....

So, I've finally hit 20 pounds. My doctor is determined to stick with the March 17th due date so that means I am 22 weeks tomorrow. I don't think I'll follow the trend to only gain 30 pounds with this baby like I did with Timmy and Allie. That's okay, I don't really mind but I hope to not go too much over the recommended 35 pounds. I think I'll be bummed if I gain more than 40 but I'm hoping with only 18 weeks to go that I will stay under 20 additional pounds. If I gain a pound a week, I'll be around 38 and that's okay with me. Well, here's to good eating and I certainly eat a lot these days!!

1 comment:

  1. I gained 45 pounds with both my boys. I ate really well and still gained. I don't think I'd worry too much...although the thought of losing the weight after doesn't sound fun. Maybe that's why I keep putting off getting prego again.
