Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday Weigh In

This morning I weighed in at 148.8, up another 0.2 pounds from last week.  So basically I haven't lost any weight in February and have even gone up almost a half pound.  It's okay, I'm not bummed about it but I'm hoping to have a little bit of a weight loss next week.  Still running every day except Monday when my left leg was hurting.  My muscles are certainly not used to running every day and I feel I may get injured or burned out if I continue every day except Sunday.  I'm just going to pay attention to my body and if I feel I am close to an injury, I am going to take a little break.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day and Friday Weigh in #7

This morning I was at 148.6, up 0.2 pounds from last week.  Exercise is going great, the eating, not so well.  I started a challenge on Monday with a friend from college to run every day (even if it's just a mile) except for Sundays.  So far, I have kept my promise and run 5 days in a row.  I'm certain it's because I'm running that I haven't gained more weight.  However, the next few weeks should be pretty chill with only my mom and step-dad's farewell next Sunday and then my daughter's birthday on the 28th.  Hopefully I will pull off some sort of weight loss this month :)  I knew I wouldn't lose a lot in February so staying the same has been okay with me, especially with how much I've indulged in treats.

My husband and I are going out for Valentine's Day tomorrow so after that, back to healthy living even though starting tomorrow I am going to eat well except for dinner.  All of my no sugar friends are going sugar free starting tomorrow for 2 weeks, but I know I will want some treats so I am going to try hard to count calories and eat healthy food.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday Morning Weigh In #6

This week I weighed in at 148.4, exactly the same as last week but I deserved to GAIN this week.  This week I started eating sugar again, and boy, did I enjoy it!  I had treats on Friday, Saturday, lots on Sunday for the super bowl and then I ate so many oreos on Monday because I was stressed.  Justin has been working all day every day and he was working during the super bowl and my sisters-in-law usually hold the baby the whole time I at my my in-laws but they didn't on Sunday and he wasn't terribly fussy but I was worn out.  Then on Monday he was fussy all day and Justin was gone til about 10 PM so I ended up eating like 2 rows of oreos, oops. 

I have continued to eat in moderation the rest of the week but I have still had some treats every day.  So, I'm hoping for a weight loss next week but I have a huge family party Saturday night, Sunday dinner again with the in-laws with yummy food (they know how to cook!) and then Justin's birthday on Monday.  Hopefully I'll eat in moderation and keep exercising.

Speaking of exercise, I ran 4 miles yesterday, something I have never done!  I was so proud of myself :)  The most I had ever run was a 5K which is 3.1 so I wanted to do it and I did it!  I'm pretty sure the only reason I didn't gain weight was because of my exercise.  My baby is starting to take longer naps in the morning, hallelujah, and so I am able to exercise longer outside.  I put the baby monitor with my home phone on speaker phone with my cell and run around the block over and over.  If my son needs me he comes outside since I run past our house every 3-4 minutes or he just talks to me on the speaker phone.  Maybe some will judge me but it works and I am so close to home, I just do it.  I even run on the snowy sidewalks, like today!  I have even seen some other moms out doing the same, so they must not be judging me too much :)