Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Goal

Well, I am loving this Body Bugg! It is so fun to look at all of the statistics although it really bothers my arm at times, usually after it's been on for several hours in the afternoon/evening. As a result, I switch it to my right arm to sleep and that helps.

Well, I am not going to have a weigh in today. I weighed in at 142.4 yesterday so I will keep that for today. I started feeling really sick last night and I was up so many times with kids that I feel that the scale will not accurately reflect my true weight. I will weigh in again next Friday or when I am feeling better. I started my new countdown from 144 which is what I was when I started using my Body Bugg on Sunday. I am going to try and lose 1.5 pounds each week.

My new goal that I will really start chasing hard in January is 130 lbs. I have tried to eat well and exercise this week and the exercise has worked well, but I am still trying to get out of holiday/treat mode and will succeed better at it after New Year's.

Justin is going out of town on Monday for a month and it would be fun to be visibly skinnier when he gets back in February :)

Monday, December 26, 2011

After Christmas Update

All in all, I am proud to say that I stayed within my 2 pound gain this holiday season. There was a day there that my weight skyrocketed after I ate an entire small loaf of zucchini bread followed by about a dozen chocolate cookies, oops, but it was delicious. I think I went up to around 144 but now today after Christmas I am at 142.8. My goal was to stay under 143.2, so I did it when all is said and done!

For Christmas I got a Body Bugg! My friend Katie got one and she has done well on weight loss and I'm excited to see what I can achieve. I entered in all of my info last night and you can only weigh in once a week which would mean Sunday night (uh, right after Sunday dinner.....I don't think so!) so I don't think I will enter my official weight on my Body Bugg account until Friday morning, January 6 and go from there. I will still weigh in here on my blog on Friday :) Here goes nothing!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Holiday Goodness and Weigh Ins

This morning I weighed in at 142.4 which kind of surprises me since I'm just starting that time of the month. Plus, I have eaten treats pretty regularly because I want to :) However, I am still staying in my goal to not gain more than 2 pounds this Christmas season which would be 143.2 and I am below that. I am up 0.8 from last week but I haven't exercised very much and eaten not so great so it's all good!

Every time I try and exercise I start coughing although I am not coughing any other time, hmm. It is still lingering I guess. Plus Justin is working a lot lately (til 10 PM each night and weekends) so I have all of the childcare and household chores to do plus Mikey is getting 4 teeth and that wakes him up some at night and my other kids keep waking up at night so I am not sleeping very well. I am definitely less energized and therefore I exercise less because I am stressed and tired a lot.

Hopefully next week will be a little more exciting since Justin will have Dec 23-25 off. Then he will have to work the week between Christmas and New Years but not as much as normal, I hope. Then he flies to California on January 2 for a month, lovely!

In fun news though, I am getting a Body Bugg for Christmas which really tracks calories burned and you enter in your calories so you know exactly how weight loss is going :) I'm excited to try it out soon!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Friday Morning Weigh-In

This morning I am the same at 141.6. I have decided this is the number my body really likes to see because over the past few weeks when I am feeling skinny, this is the number I am. However, I have not been eating very stellar lately but I just try to not overdo it. I really want to enjoy some of the holiday season food and I am, but I am also not eating waaaay too much (for the most part) and on days when I can eat healthy, I am.

Some of those yummy lunches I was talking about in my last post were dependent upon avocado. However, my avocados have not been ripe until today so I have just eaten whatever. I am excited to try my avocado chicken salad today, yummy! Avocado is one of those foods that is healthy and super yummy so I am going to try and eat them a little more often for lunch.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Random Thoughts

This morning I was listening to the radio and they were saying that most people gain on average 5 pounds over the holidays. Then the woman piped in that she has gained at least 10 pounds after getting married and I just laughed because that was the truth for me, and more! When I did my yeast free diet I got down to 136 and I still didn't quite fit into my wedding dress although I was close so I'm guessing I weighed around 130 when I got married (I didn't have a scale so I didn't know or track at all).

I think I gained 25 pounds after getting married, that's right, a whopping 25 pounds, yikes! I went from eating at my in-laws every night for dinner (usually healthy) to making meals myself which included a lot of Totino's pizzas. Justin and I really liked them but they are incredibly unhealthy and I swear I gain a pound every time I eat one. I remember one day 6 months after my wedding my Mom asked me if I was pregnant because I had gained so much weight. That was my wake up call and I started to realize what was happening to me! At least I wasn't alone, Justin had gained weight too.

Then one Sunday I weighed myself on my in-laws scale (we still didn't own one) and it was after I had eaten a huge dinner and I was 162, too high for me. From then on I have really tried to get my weight under control, and not only that, but be healthy. I have learned a lot and feel like I could almost be a nutritionist with how much I've read and learned.

Anyway, the last few days I have overindulged on sugar cookies and chips and salsa. I'm not usually a huge chips and salsa girl but I bought some yummy fresh salsa at Walmart and it is delicious and addicting. I felt like crap last night but I haven't gained any weight. Probably because I have another cough and my body is coughing a lot and fighting off the illness. However, I have some new lunch recipes, and I bought the food last night and I'm excited about eating better :)

That's all for now!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Friday's Weight

This morning I was 141.8 and only a half pound above my pre pregnancy weight. I am doing well at exercising every day and eating well with only an occasional treat. Being the Christmas season I am going to allow a few treats here and there especially at special events but not all the time, every day. My daughter asked me to make sugar cookies on Tuesday and I LOVE them but I told her I would another time so that I didn't indulge when I didn't need to. She was sad but I just couldn't make them without getting back down. Maybe tomorrow since I did well this week :)

I don't want to be so rigid that I can't enjoy holiday baking with my kids because it is a lot of fun and I really enjoy it. So, here's to getting back down after Thanksgiving!