Friday, July 18, 2014

Friday Weigh In

This morning I weighed in at 141.8, the same as two weeks ago.  This is great considering on Sunday morning I was at 145, up 3 pounds after my vacation.  I have been eating mostly well this week and doing some exercise, but not a ton.  I have tried to eat a lot of fruits and veggies but I have had pizza, pasta with alfredo sauce, ice cream, a few cookies and a donut.  Not stellar in the eating department so I'm quite surprised the weight has just fallen off this week.  I also finished my 90 days of fitness with my group on Facebook and I really did exercise every day except Sundays and only missed a real workout a few times including the very last day when I was stuck driving in traffic and then at the airport.  I am still exercising daily although I am counting walking around on outings with my kids as a workout :)

I have done some strength training and I'm convinced that building muscle really helps your weight.  I used to hate doing my strength training video which encompasses a 20 minute upper body workout and a 20 minute lower body workout.  So, I went through the videos and wrote down each of the exercises and the level of weight and how many reps and now I do them once or twice a week while watching Gilmore Girls and it really helps.

I only have 2 pounds to go, I really hope I get there soon.  It would be awesome to get there in the next 2 weeks since I am leaving 2 weeks from today for a women's overnighter with my RS and there will be tons of yummy food to eat, but also lots of volleyball to play :)

My baby is now 10 months old, and the longest it has ever taken me to lose the baby weight previously is 8.5 months and I had more to lose last time.  I can't seem to stay motivated to eat well and avoid sugar every day.   Every day I tell myself I am going to eat really well that day, and by the end of the day I keep eating spoonfuls of light whipping cream in  a can.....I really need to get rid of those!  I'm really hoping I can get some motivation back soon.

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