Monday, October 27, 2014

Meltdown Challenge Complete!

So this morning I weighed in at 133.4 and was so close so I ran and started the laundry and weighed in again at 133.2, yay!  I made it to my goal and lost 8.6 pounds and did it in a little less than 6 weeks.  I celebrated with eating fun size twix and it was hard and not good, oy.

So, here are my before and after pictures and my measurements.

Scale before and after:

Full length me before and after:

Full length on scale before and after:


Neck:  12 (same)
Right Bicep:  11.5 (down 0.5)
Chest:  34  (down 1.25)
Under Chest:  30  (down 1.75)
Natural Waist:  28  (down 1)
Waist:  30.5  (down 1)
Hips:  33.8  (down 1.2)
Right Thigh:  21.4  (down 0.6)
Right Calf:  14.75  (down 0.05)

Overall, this challenge was awesome.  In the past I have always done no sugar and then I would have major cravings because I didn't have a specific goal to reach, just don't each sugar which I guess is too vague for me.  Having this concrete challenge where I had to lose 6% of my body weight in a certain amount of time took away the sugar cravings (for the most part) because I knew if I ate them I wouldn't make it and lose $20.  So rather than saying I couldn't have sugar, I chose not to eat sugar because I knew it wouldn't get me to where I needed to be.  (I wasn't perfect, there was one weekend I ate a lot of candy and went back up a couple pounds which I had to work hard to take back off.) 

I  was very motivated to win and get back my cash and more and fit better into my clothes.  My clothes fit awesome now, hooray!  I am not really going to try and lose more weight but I would love to stay at or below 135.  Feeling good today.

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