Monday, August 19, 2013

5 Weeks to Go!

As of this Friday I will only have 1 month to go, yippee!  I am so ready to be done and I wish I were one of those lucky ones who delivers early so that I had less time to go.  It would be ideal to deliver 2 weeks early and then be able to attend all of my family events without being pregnant. However, with a brand new baby, they would be hard too.  Oh well, it's all good.

This morning my weight was 170.6, same as last week.  I am officially in the 170's now and the lowest I saw on the scale last week was 170 exactly.  I vacillated between 170 and 171 all week.

This week I seemed to feel better for the most part.  One day I did housework for 6 hours and it kicked my butt, but it felt so good to deep clean my house.  I must be getting some nesting instincts because I deep cleaned last week and yesterday I cleaned out my fridge and today laundry and my microwave.  I will probably finish up cleaning the basement which I didn't do last week because I ran out of steam.

There was even an evening that I felt quite normal and no morning sickness at all which is rare these days.  I have even started taking a little more zofran because the nausea has kicked back in.  Not like the 1st trimester but still there.

One downside, I have had some back pain in the night and the exercises, which I do pretty much nightly now instead of every other day, do not touch the pain and I wake up hurting (around 4 or 5 AM) and have a hard time sleeping in, even a little.  I had a prenatal massage on Saturday which I thought would help but alas, I still have major back pain this morning, boo.  If something wakes me up that early (like having to pee) it's a bummer because of the pain.  If nothing wakes me up I am usually ok with the pain until I get up around 7 AM.

Also, I have had some insomnia this past week.  I have never had insomnia with pregnancy so that was unusual.  One night I woke up at 12:45 to pee.  Then I was up at 2:30 with Allison because she had a nightmare and again with Mikey at 3:30 because of another nightmare.  I was up with him for about 15 minutes and then was hungry so I had to eat.  Then I couldn't get back to sleep until 5 AM.  Then I couldn't fall asleep the next night either and I wasn't even tired.  Well, it hit me big the next day and I haven't  had trouble sleeping since besides back pain. 

I guess I will have to take Tylenol PM more if the back pain is causing to much discomfort or preventing me from sleeping because I want to enjoy this sleep before the baby comes.

One last funny 2 year old boy now thinks there is a baby in his tummy.  I remember Allison acting this way before Mikey came but Mikey just started this week telling me daily there is a baby in his tummy.  It's cute!

One week before school starts, we are going to have some fun!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You are so close. Sorry about all the pain and inconsistent sleeping. No fun. I always had a hard time sleeping as delivery came closer. Hopefully you can rest well and find yourself in a peaceful way as you approach your little one's arrival. Good luck!
