Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday Morning Weigh-in

This morning I weighed in at 144 even, doing good! Monday I was 146.8, so I am down 2.8 pounds which is awesome and well on my way to my pre pregnancy weight for my birthday in 2 weeks and 2 days. I have another 2.8 pounds to go and that is losing 1.5 pounds a week which seems doable if I can just stay strong and have the willpower to plug through Halloween. Luckily (or not so luckily lol) I can't find my favorite Halloween candy this year which will help. I really love Reese's Sticks and I can usually find them at Target and Smiths but neither store has them this year. I have checked Walmart and Winegars too but no luck. I will try Albertson's and Macy's and then give up. Or maybe I won't look for them so I can't find them and be even more strong, hmmmm, we'll see.

I feel like I'm kicking butt on nutrition lately. I have bought really healthy bread that has no sugar or high fructose corn syrup but just honey and whole wheat and yeast and salt and it's yummy and expensive and most important, good for me! I have toast with eggs or oatmeal with honey or eggs for breakfast. Then for snacks I eat peanuts, fruit, veggies or string cheese. I am really trying hard to stay away from anything processed. For lunch I eat a sandwich with Adam's natural peanut butter and honey, or cooked chicken with veggies or whole wheat pasta with some sauce and cheese. For dinner, I just cook whatever my family likes and it usually isn't perfect but that's okay. I am not perfect and I definitely have times when I eat an occasional dessert or corn dog, but I am being realistic in my eating. I think by not being super strict, I am able to avoid binging and taking a whole day or weekend off like I did before.

Today I am eating really well because Justin and I are going out to eat tonight. We were planning to go up the tram at Snow Basin and then eat at one of the restaurants at the top but now we're not sure it's even open. If not, perhaps we will go to dinner and then drive the loop above Bountiful into Farmington or go Christmas shopping. Whatever we do, I will try to make good eating choices.

Anyway, thanks for giving me a kick in the butt Katie because I really want this and I really want to keep pushing forward. I am still a little nervous about Halloween but it's just one day. Well, really 2 days since our ward has a trunk or treat on Saturday the 29th with a chili and cookie cookoff but 2 days isn't terrible. I bought Halloween candy and won't let my kids open even 1 bag or I know we'll eat it all up before Halloween. Okay, long enough post, see ya!

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