Friday, June 1, 2012

Friday Morning Weigh In

This morning I weighed in at 136.2, up 2.6 pounds from last Friday.  I gotta admit, I didn't try hard to eat well this week, I just wasn't in the mood.  Plus, the weight that I lost from my 2 days of dieting just came back easily of course.  That's what you get for doing a crash diet, the weight is not really a permanent loss.

I am going to stay at my Mom's house tonight and I'm sure we'll end up eating out and then tomorrow I have a baptism in the morning with a small brunch and then lunch with my old roommates at Olive Garden for lunch.  However, starting Fast Sunday, it's a good day to kick off being healthy again.  That is, until Thursday which is my anniversary and will involve going out to dinner and dessert of course :)

Oh, and the nausea and heartburn ended up being a rib that was a little out of whack.  It really hurt last Tues-Thurs until I finally took a percocet to help with the pain and it went away.  However, Thursday morning it was back so I went to the doc and got a few adjustments which is helping.

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