Saturday, March 17, 2012

Friday Morning Weigh In

Well, on Friday I didn't get a super accurate weigh in. I made in the crockpot apple cinnamon oatmeal overnight and Justin and I ate it first thing Friday morning and when I weighed in a few hours later, I was at 137.2 which was probably pretty accurate. I have been eating crap and I am starting to feel and look like crap. Okay, I don't really look like crap but I will if I continue this trend. Oh, and aunt flo is here to visit too which I'm sure isn't helping any.

Over the next few days I have just gone up and up, uggh. So, I am not going to try and really lose extra weight but get back down to at least 137ish in the next week or so.

Anyway, it was a nice break but I don't like feeling like crap and feeling like I'm not doing very well at healthy living. I really need to learn how to eat well even when I'm maintaining. One day soon I hope to figure it out.

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