Monday, April 1, 2013

15 weeks

Well, it's Monday again and I am 15 weeks but not feeling very well today.  I was determined not to take a Zofran since I am running low on them, they are expensive and I am just staying home with a sick baby but I caved.  The nausea was growing and growing all morning so I decided to take one. 

I'm probably paying for the weekend of crappy eating.  We had a triple baptism on Saturday for 2 nephews and a niece and afterwards I was starving and all there was to eat was treats and some fruit.  I ate several treats and felt okay after.  Then on Sunday I finally ate a few Easter treats after church and they were yummy but I felt kind of ill the rest of the day.  I was even going to eat an entire piece of pie after dinner but luckily I didn't like it and only had a few bites. 

In the past few weeks overall I have been feeling a bit better.  I haven't had any of the strong stomach aches that drive me crazy and I still don't even have one today, just some nausea mixed with being tired from being up with a vomiting baby the past 2 nights.  Holy cow, I just noticed it is almost 5:30 PM and I haven't even started making any dinner today.  I guess having a late snack has made me not notice how late it is. 

Guess I should log off and feed my family and pray that tomorrow my son isn't throwing up, no one else gets it, and I feel better!  My trip is only 4 weeks away....... body, get better soon!

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