Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday Morning Weigh In

I am glad that I have stuck to my guns and not eaten sugar.  I did have the 1 cookie on Monday night but nothing besides that in nearly 2 weeks.  With this injury, not eating sugar couldn't have come at a better time because I was already motivated and already seeing results.  I am so glad that I have not had a huge weight setback and that I can pretty easily maintain all of the hard work I have done thus far.

This morning I weighed in at 135.6 which is 0.4 under my maintenance goal of 136 and the same weight I was last Saturday.  I am also just starting the visit of my aunt flo so we'll see what happens at the end.  Last time it came, I ended up gaining a bunch of weight at the end so I'm hoping that won't happen this time. 

There have been many times this week that I have wanted to throw in the towel and eat sugar, but then I keep reminding myself that exercise just isn't happening right now and if I did, I would probably wear myself out too much anyway.  I really don't want to balloon up with not moving around much so avoiding sugar is really a must right now.  Just doing the normal things of life of picking up the house and dishes and laundry are enough to wear me out.  I am going to do some bathroom deep cleaning today, they really need some attention. 

It has been 1 week since my injury and while I am still sore, I am glad I can get around slowly and still maintain a decent home.  This is my first day all alone with no help so hopefully it goes well.  I even have a fun weekend to look forward to with a birthday party at a park tonight with good friends and then date night with Justin tomorrow night.  Probably just going to dinner and then an exchange at Kohls and buying a Mother's Day gift for my Mom since I still can't drive. 

Anyway, I am going to indulge on Sunday but that's it.  Hopefully I will be up and going soon and won't have to be off sugar for too long.  I was so excited to only have to be off sugar for 2-3 weeks, meet my goal and be done soon but I guess that won't happen now.  As long is it's not too much longer than a month I will be fine :)

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